Monday, June 27, 2011

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A Successful Week

Last week will go down as another success.  Being a person who has grown up in the investment industry, this has a strange sound to it.  Most brokers would tell their clients that what happens in any given week doesn't matter.  After a down week you may hear "You don't need to spend the money for another 15 years, so just hang on and stay the course."  While at the same time, after an up week you may get the feeling from a broker that YOUR PORTFOLIO had an up week due to their skill.  

We come from the approach that if you watch your pennies, the dollars will take care of themselves.  We pay attention to every hourly move of the market, knowing that if we make the proper decisions with this "pennies", the weeks and months "dollars" will take care of themselves.

The account we are tracking that reflects our Moderately Aggressive model is below.  Recent successes have increased our portfolio while the market is trying to make a new bottom.  Our value (the blue area) ended last week at the highest point since we began tracking in February, nearly 7.5% above the S&P 500.

chart_1 (7).png
I don't want to beat a dead horse, but our absolute return approach to investment management tries to avoid losses while not giving up the opportunity for gain.  So far, so good.
I get to share with you the results of our approach, while the briefing room  discusses the inner workings.  In other words,  I get to show you the completed car, but you can go to the briefing room to look under the hood.

Have a great week!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

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Market Mood Change?

Hello Everyone,

I'm going to keep it short and sweet this week.  The update says it all in the briefing room.

The mood of the overall market seems to be changing.  Remember my email a month or two ago when I mentioned June may be the beginning of a rough market?  QE2 is coming to an end in a few weeks and the market tends to react ahead of the actual event.  The update explains the market change.

We are preparing for my daughter Chelsea's High School graduation party that is tomorrow.  It's a beautiful day to be outside, even if it is to work.

Hope you all enjoy your weekend.


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