Tuesday, September 27, 2011

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25? Or 6 to 4?

September 27, 2011

The briefing was posted Sunday and can be found at The Briefing Room.

In contemplating the theme to this week's message, the title 25 or 6 to 4 occurred to me.  I grew up loving the song, but never understood the title.  I'm sure many financial writers are stuck in the same conundrum.  The market is their meat and potatos therefore they must love it.  Unfortunately it makes no sense to them.  I say this because many articles try to explain why the market made a particular move and are written soon after the move occurred.  If they truly understood the market, more of them would be writing about what is going to happen next!  I'm convinced the market moves and then the reporters are out searching for all the possible reasons that could have caused the move.

This is why they are reporters and not investment managers.  Technical analysis allows you to make educated decisions about what is going to happen next, based upon what happened last.  Just as no one can predict on a regular basis what is going to happen next in the market, no one can be 100% in their investment choices. But, as everything else in life, it is a numbers game.  The more closely you track human psychology as it relates to supply and demand, the more successful you will be.

With all that aside, I will make my point.  Last week was a horrible week in the market.  There are plenty of articles to tell you the cause was due to Europe or the global financial crisis.  But between yesterday and today (Monday and Tuesday) the market has staged a remarkable short term increase.  Now there are articles pinning this increase on "renewed hope that Europe can tackle the region's debt crisis."  The operative word here is HOPE!

Financial markets may rely on hope, but I will certainly place my hope in something else!  In the financial markets I would prefer to place my understanding and wisdom calling on past experience.  Not hope. 

The market the last couple days is simply a result of last weeks sell off.   Rebounds ALWAYS occur after an oversold condition.  The key is in understanding the oversold condition. . . not hope in an event you have no control over.  A wise man once said to positiely effect the things you have control over and don't worry about the things you don't.

Einstein discovers "Timing" the market rather than "Time in the market" that equals MONEY
Einstein discovers that "TIMING" the market equals MONEY, not "Time in the market".

 This brings us to this weeks briefing which may be one of our more important briefings due to last weeks market actions.  I doubt if this weeks volatility will be any better than last week with what is setting up to occur later in the week (Europe).  Check out the briefing here

By the way, the title 25 or 6 to 4 is simply a reference to time.  The time it refers to is 3:34 or 3:35 A.M. which can also be referred to as 25 or 26 minutes to 4.  The song was simply about writing songs.  Huh.
Have a great day!!

John Norquay
CEO PivotPoint Advisors

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