Monday, September 5, 2011

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Labor Day Update

September 5, 2011

The briefing can be found at The Briefing Room.

Europe is wishing their market was celebrating Labor day.  Unfortunately, instead they are experiencing labor pains.  Germany is down about 5% as I write this.  Chancellor Merkel has just been pummeled in regional elections.  I guess the fan base isn't happy at all how their leadership has handled the european turmoil or maybe they don't like the options presented to them by their leadership.  I think people are tired of the same solutions for the same problems.  The downturn is being led by the banks being sued by the US Government, while, at the same time, banks in general are releasing under performing numbers.

The S&P 500 index futures are following suit, down over 2% in anticipation of a negative market open Tuesday morning.  

Europe Tanking taking S&P 500 with it
I have said a number of times how the market inteprets even bad news in a good way when the overall cycle is up.  Bad news on the down side of the cycle gets interpreted very badly.  I think we all know the market goes down faster than it goes up.  It is my humble opinion the market is preparing for another recession.   We at PivotPoint have protected your portfolio from this carnage.  If you know of anyone who might like our approach, please forward this email to them using the "Forward To A Friend" link on the right side of this email.

Lets keep theory in the classroom
The employment numbers released Friday are a strong indicator our economy is not experiencing recovery.  Our employment numbers are about the same as they were in 2000.  Unfortunately there are about 30 million more workers in our economy than there were in 2000!!!  I love the saying "Figures can't lie, but liars can figure".  Economists can try to put lipstick on a pig, but those who know what a pig looks like, can still clearly see it is a pig.

In our briefing this weekend, Don shows how the market performed exactly how we thought it might this week in an illustration containing a portion of last weeks briefing.  This is yet another indication that the market speaks, if you know how to listen.  

There is a lot going on in the world today.  Keep up to date with our response.  Read the briefing here.  And please, pass this email to a friend!!
Have a great day!!

John Norquay
CEO PivotPoint Advisors

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